Wednesday, July 10, 2013

bow wow yipie yo wippie ya where my dogs at?lol

Last night my beautiful Chloe came home, she is my dog. I  adopted her from the animal shelter a while back. I love her so much, she is my companion. Any who, She disappeared last week I was like devastated. Last night I was at work, sitting on the porch taking a break when  my  Chloe comes up. At first I didn't notice her, I was just staring out into the night.  I feel the wind stirred and I hear a very firm rouoph. I turn around and saw my Chloe, a lot rough for wear but still my Chloe. It made my night so much better my Chloe-Hoe came home.

SO anyway... when I get off at midnight my kids are still up, the house is a T- total mess and I decide that Chloe needs a bath, and a firm dose of spray flea medicine. But my awesomely wonderfully talkative brother agrees to do it, and he does, In the mean while I lay my over worked but in bed, with no sheets and no blanket I might add..(cause my three year old decided to pee pee on me while sleeping next me last night) any way.

 I drag my tired but to the closet pull out the bright read sleeping bag and settle in with my P.C. cast, Destined book, looking forward to reading the last chapter. When in a whirl wind of chaos bolts into my room, It seemed like my bedroom  was in slow motion , and I was that old dude, who always got sprayed by drool by the dog in the Beethoven movies, so anyway I see the bathroom door open, my brother the goober derp of the century; has unleashed terror. All I see is a big white blur as it runs and slides into my room, bouncing off the bed, then she hunches her back and shakes the water free from her fur going in every direction.  Mean while my brother Gregory, hunts down our little cha-weenie, Tink.

 I'm sitting up and trying to dry the cover of Destined, when another bolt flies into our room leaps onto the bed and dives it noes straight in my but well not my literal but the general area ,sort of but, (hee hee but) any she was Trying her hardest to climb inside my leopard pj pants. "OMG Tink's in my britches get her out!"( IT looked scary like when that alien climes out of that chest of that dead guy in that one movie, anyway) "she's in my pants Its in my pants!!!!" "Jesus George,  help!!!!!!!" I hollering, it was too funny. My husband was dying laughing. I felt like I was skin for some fuzy wiener length body snatcher and it was sooo not sexy like the Host. Out of the corner of my eye, I swore I saw Chloe smiling. ( a dog after my own heart), I was like aww, you little shit, I love you too.

 I pulled the sleeping bag off and Tink's little head was popped out of the leg of my pj's I tried to pull her out when she saw Gregory, squirt bottle in hand with flee medicine and she turned her long body around and climbed up my pants leg again, this time im squirming, jumping and hollering. Finally we manage to get her loose, and all settled down. My husband  falls asleep, and I turn on my side and start reading again, just when I think this night can't get anymore crazy, the rabbit that has been watching this whole ordeal happen, jumps up on the side of its cage and barks. like an honest to God bark. Im like.....ahhh shit! Im definitely losing it now.

 Dr. Freaking do little ain't got shit on me, I push tinker bell out of my britches, again, and over the giant wet mound that is Chloe, and I look at the black and white rabbit named angel, and I ask the damn animal, did you just bark?

AND I SWEAR TO YOUZ that animal all fuzzy and cute with its gigantimous ears barked again at me.

I nodded my head, turned and got in bed .... im sooo not thinking about this tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I named my bunny Angel because it was cute. I am beginning to consider it an IRONIC name lol.
