Sunday, September 8, 2013

Oh no you did n't, o yea I did this is about Face Book Yawl.

I have never been to a site that had the ability to make you want to get a divorce or a booty call on Saturday night. Seriously I think Face book has supernatural gets into the users head, and while it a great social tool its also the makings of a disaster.

I have seen so many of my friends, plaster so much personal information about them selves and just throw it out there for the world to see. Young girls showing half naked pictures of them selves seeking attention. Men who for one reason or another are bored in there life, decided to hit on women on line.

Seriously, its true. Here is a good example a few years back I was a newly wed, and our daughter Coura at age two decides to be a dare devil and jump belly down off the top bunk of her bed and smack straight down on her head. Needless to say I had to take her to the emergency room, and there was this male nurse, who helped and everything and was nice. Well, after she was transferred I get a message on my phone saying someone sent me a friend request. I ignored it until we got to children's after a four hour ride . So anyway this guy nurse, who is married I might add. Sends me a friend request with a very inappropriate message attached. I was pissed, number one my kid is hurt, number two im married, and number three he was married. what an ass. So...what did I do your wondering ...I forwarded the message to his wife. She thanked me and said shed handle it.

So anyway to my point. Face book is good if you use it to network, but not good when there's Horney fucks, cheating asses, and pre Madonna house wife's involved. So why do you still use it Steph? "well that's a good question random voice in my head, I don't have and don't want any drama. As everyone in the world knows I have a big family, and there's enough here for the days of our lives to be put to shame. So I beg you random people of the world please just use Facebook for what it was meant to be used for.

that is all...kirk out.

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